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Regency Park Elementary

Regency Park Elementary

๐Ÿšธ School Procedures



After School Procedures:

  1. All students are to stay with their teacher at appropriate release areas until the bell rings.

  2. Students are to clear campus as soon as possible and go directly to their after-school destination.

  3. Students staying after school must have written or verbal parent permission.

  4. Students are to report to the office if they are not picked up in a timely manner.

  5. Students are not allowed to return to the campus without being accompanied by an adult family member.


Assembly Procedures:

1.         Students are expected to enter and exit the cafeteria with their teacher or designated adult in a quiet and orderly manner.

2.         Classes are to be seated on time for assemblies in their assigned areas.

3.         Students are to sit cross-legged, with eyes on the speaker, facing forward, and voices off.

4.         Clapping is the only acceptable form of showing pleasure or appreciation.


Before School Procedures:

1.         School starts at 8:45 am. General school arrival time is between 8:30 and 8:43 a.m.

2.         Students arriving on or after 8:30 (not eating breakfast) are to report directly to the playground and walk the track until the bell rings.

3.         Students reporting for breakfast may arrive between 8:15 and 8:25 and are to report directly to the cafeteria. Breakfast is served until 8:35 a.m.

4.         After the release whistle, primary students are to exit the track via the right-hand (library) gate while intermediate students exit via the left- hand (cafeteria) gate.

5.         Only one older sibling may accompany a Kindergartener to classroom door.

6.         Students arriving late are to report directly to the office for a pass.

7.         Once students arrive on campus they are not to leave unless signed out of the office.


Bicycle, Scooter, Skateboard Procedures:

1.         All students are to walk their bicycles, scooters, and skateboards while on the school grounds.

2.         Equipment is to be placed in the appropriate rack and locked.

3.         Helmets are required by law.



Bus Procedures:  

1          Students shall remain seated until the bus has stopped at the destination.  Bus riders must keep all parts of their bodies inside the bus at all times.

3.         Eating while aboard a school bus is prohibited.  Glass containers are not allowed.

4.         Whistling, loud noises, playing with any sports equipment, or causing a commotion are not allowed.


Car Transportation Procedures:

  1. Drivers on school campus are to unload/load students in the designated location (along the curb) in the front of the school.

  2. Drivers will wait in designated lanes until ushered forward by school staff.

  3. Students will wait outside the main gates in quiet orderly lines watching for parent/guardian.

  4. Drivers are to NEVER off load or pick up passengers in the bus zone on the side of the school.

  5. Drivers are to follow the posted entrance and exit signs.

  6. Drivers are to refrain from talking/texting while driving (as per California State Law).


Cafeteria Procedures:

1.         Move quietly and in an orderly manner from the classroom to the cafeteria.

2.         Enter the cafeteria quietly and keep voices low.

            3.         Use appropriate table manners (remain seated, keep mouths closed while chewing, eat only the food on your own tray or lunch you brought from home, no playing with/throwing food).

4.         Keep area clean.  Throw away all trash when leaving.

5.         Exit when excused by the cafeteria supervisor in a quiet and orderly manner and walk to the playground.


Closed Campus:  

1.         Regency Park and all of the district’s schools operate on a “closed campus” basis.

2.         All pupils are required to remain on the school grounds during the entire school day.

3.         All visitors must sign in the office and wear a visitor’s badge.   



Electronic Devices & Toys:

1. Electronic devices and toys are not allowed at school.These include, but are not limited to: tablets, pagers, electronic games, balls of any kind, toy cars, cards, dolls, or any other item which could be disruptive to the learning environment.With prior approval from a teacher, toys may be brought to school for use during a classroom sharing time.

2. Cell phones brought to school MUST be kept off / silent and in backpacks during the school day. If they are seen, they will be taken and put in the office for the student’s adult family member to retrieve.


Gum/Food Procedures:  

1. Gum is never allowed at school.

2. Home-prepared cookies, cupcakes, or other treats may not be brought to school to be shared with other students. We encourage parents to send in non-food items for celebratory purposes such as birthdays. If food items are brought in, they must remain in their original manufacturer packaging to provide transparency regarding ingredients and allergen information.

3.         Classroom celebrations will be held at teacher discretion.

4.         Food is only allowed in the classroom with teacher permission. 

5.         Healthy snacks are permitted on the playground during first recess only, and must be eaten in designated area near trashcan and finished before playing is allowed.


Hallway Procedures:

1.         All students in the hallways must have a pass marked with a designated destination.

2.         All students must walk quietly to their destination.

3.         All students returning to class will have a return time listed on their pass.

4.         Students are to refrain from jumping and hitting the beams, doorways, and gutters.

5.         When lining up, students are to stand without leaning on or touching walls.

6.         Students must walk on sidewalks at all times.


Library/Media Center Procedures:  

1.         Students and parents are financially responsible for the replacement of lost or damaged books.

2.         Checked-out books should be returned when due.

3.         Enter and exit the library quietly.

4.         Raise a quiet hand when needing to ask a question. 



1.         Monies for book purchases or classroom projects should be sealed in an envelope with the student’s name and teacher’s name. 

2.         Students are not permitted to leave money in their desks or backpacks.

3.         Regency Park School assumes no liability for money brought to school by students.


Office Procedures:

1.         Students must have a pass to come to the office.

2.         Students are to enter quietly, wait for their turn, and talk to the adult in charge.

3.         Following an office visit, students are to return directly to their classroom or other assigned area.


Restroom Procedures:

1. All students using the restroom during class time are to have a pass.

2.         Students are to walk directly to and from the restroom.

3.         Students should not be permitted to use the restrooms 15 minutes before recess or 30 minutes after recess concludes.  All trips during class time should be kept to a minimum.

4.         Recess time is to be used first for restroom trips, drinks, and then play.

5.         Adults are not permitted in student restrooms at any time (exception for R.P. staff)


Student Dress Code: 

Student dress should not be disruptive to the learning environment.  Please keep the following guidelines in mind:

1.         Appearance should be modest, neat, clean, appropriate, and compatible with educational activities.

2.         For safety reasons, covered shoes (meaning all parts of the foot are to be covered) should be worn at all times.  High heels or open toed sandals are not to be worn.

3.         Shorts, skirts, dresses may be worn, but they must be at least “fingertip” in length when arms are at their sides.

4.         “Halter”, “tube”, “spaghetti straps,” and tank tops with oversize armholes are not appropriate at school.  Midriffs must be covered (a good test is to ask your child to raise their arms-if their midriff shows, then an alternate shirt should be worn to school).

5.         Emblems, words and pictures on clothing should be appropriate to the educational atmosphere.

6.         Hats are used to shade the eyes and are to be worn outdoors only. Hoods are worn outdoors only.

7.         Hair worn in a style that is deemed disruptive will not be allowed.

(Advance notice will be given to parents and students when these standards may be altered for special events, i.e., spirit days, performances, etc.)


Student Conduct Code:

The expectation for all students is to be safe, respectful, and responsible at all times. This includes travel to and from school, bus transport, and before or after school events. The following guidelines demonstrate this expectation:

1. Students are to act in a peaceful manner showing respect to themselves and others at all times.

2. Lewd and/or obscene gestures, language, and literature are not allowed.

3. Insults, profanity, harassment, racially or sexually offensive written or oral language is not allowed.


Suspension Behaviors:  

State Education Code 48900 has established behaviors that will not be tolerated in public schools.  Suspension occurs when other means of correcting the behavior have not worked, the behavior endangers self or others, and/or the safe and orderly operation of the school is disrupted.  The behaviors are:

1.         Fighting: causing or threatening to cause injury

2.         Deliberate disruption of activity or instruction.

3.         Defiance of authority.

4.         Committing obscene acts or engage in habitual profanity.

5.         Possessing or using controlled substances or alcohol.

6.         Damaging or stealing public or private property.

7.         Having or receiving stolen property.

8.         Possession of any item that could cause injury.

9.         Gambling, smoking, extortion.

10.       Sexual harassment.

11.       Imitation firearm.

12.       Creating a hostile educational environment.


Telephone Procedures:  

Due to the number of students enrolled at Regency Park Elementary School, the use of the phones is limited to necessary calls and will be screened by school personnel.  Valid calls include emergencies, illness, or having to stay after school.  Invalid calls include, but are not limited to, forgotten homework, forgotten, lunch or lunch money, and going to a friend’s house.


What is Bullying?

Bullying is aggressive behavior (verbal, physical, psychological, or cyber) intended to harm or disturb that is carried out repeatedly over time. Bullying can include direct behaviors such as physical acts, threats, intimidation, verbal abuse, or taunting. Bullying can also be indirect behavior and include making faces, obscene gestures, exclusion, and spreading rumors or images. Students who stand by and witness bullying behavior without informing a supervising adult also contribute to bullying behavior in an indirect way.


What is Self-Defense?

Generally, a student may use reasonable force when it appears reasonably necessary to prevent an impending injury. A student using force in self-defense should use only so much force as is required to repel the attack. Before considering the use of force a student has used the following options 1) ignore the attacker, 2) remain calm, 3) with confidence, tell the attacker to stop the attack, 4) walk away, and 5) contact a supervising adult.


The interviewing adult will be able to discern through questioning that the student put other priorities (i.e. loss of control, ego, image, peer pressure) ahead of doing something that would have prevented violence and thus engaged in fighting rather than self-defense.



Playground Procedures




During the recess times, students must remain in the designated playground area, not inside the fenced classroom areas.  The most important playground rule is BE SAFE!




General playground rules:

  1. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

  2. Games of tag, “play fighting/ wrestling”, or chase are not allowed.

  3. Keep balls off the buildings.

  4. All games requiring a ball to be kicked are to be played on the field, not on the blacktop.

  5. Only throw equipment that is meant to be thrown.

  6. Cartwheels and handstands allowed in grass area only.

  7. Kickball games will be permitted only in designated areas.


Bell procedures:

  1. When the bell rings, freeze in place quietly and stand with any playground equipment between feet. At this time, students should walk out of the bark box or off the grass area and freeze on the pavement.

  2. When the yard supervisor blows a whistle, walk to your line.


Bark boxes:

  1. No running in the bark box area (including on the play structure).

  2. Students will keep bark in the box.

  3. Bark is not to be kicked or thrown.


Climbing equipment:

                        1.   Student will have two hands on the bars at all times.  Students are not to stand on top of the bars.

2.   Student’s hands must be the last things to leave the bars, i.e., no “cherry drops.”

3.   Students will keep their hands off anyone who is on the play structure.

4.   Students will wait their turn in designated locations to access the equipment.


Jump Rope:

  1. Use rope only for jumping.

  2. Jump in an area that is free from obstacles.

  3. Observe safety precautions in selecting a place to play a jump rope game.



  1. Face the ladder when climbing.

  2. Only one student allowed at the top of the slide.

  3. Sit, facing down the slide, and slide down feet first.

  4. Get out of the way quickly after sliding down.

  5. No climbing up the slide.

Tetherball Rules:

  1. Grade levels must share the court.

  2. One player on each side of the court and then one judge (next person in line) stands on the outside line.  The judge will serve the ball by dropping it against the pole and the judge will make the decision who is out.  No one is to argue with the judge’s decision.  Judge becomes next player.

  3. Any player who steps on the opposite side of the court is out.

  4. You can only hit the ball once unless it wraps around or hits the pole.

  5. You may hit the ball with your fist or open hand, but you cannot push the ball or hold the ball. 

  6. You cannot stop the ball for any reason.  There are no “do-overs.”

  7. You cannot touch the rope.

  8. You cannot make up rules. (i.e. holdies, softies, bubbles, hardies, ropies, strategy, etc.)

  9. Players cannot touch pole during the game.

  10. Winner can stay in for 2 games.

  11. No cutting in line allowed.  All waiting players must line up on the line behind the court.


4-Square Rules:

  1. Each player stands in one of the four squares.

  2. To start the game, the player in square four serves the ball by bouncing it in their square once and then hitting it towards one of the other squares.

  3. Only underhand hits are allowed.

  4. The receiving player then hits the ball to any other player in one of the other squares.

  5. The ball must bounce in another player's square, and they must hit it to another player before it bounces a second time.

  6. A player may hit the ball before it bounces, if they choose to do so.

  7. If a player hits the ball so that it misses another player's square, or fails to hit the ball before the second bounce after it has landed in their square, they are "out".

  8. When a player is out, the other players move up to take their place, and that player moves to the last square, or to the end of the line, if there are more than four players.

  9. The object of the game is to move up to and hold the server's position.


Handball Rules:

  1. Games can be played with 2, 4, or 6 players (equal number of players on each side of the court).

  2. The judge is the first person in line, standing on the edge of the centerline. The judge makes the decision who is out. No one is to argue with the judge’s ruling. The person called “out” goes to the back of the line, and the judge is in and the next person in line becomes the judge.

  3. One player serves the ball to the opposing side and the players rally the ball back and forth.

  4. If the ball bounces twice or more, the player closest to the ball is out.

  5. Any player who hits the ball out of the boundary lines is out.